OCTOBER 2 - 4, 2018
1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA USA

Low & Bonar

Booth #232

Low & Bonar is proud to introduce an extension to the renowned Colback range of products. To help further advance the synthetic filer media solutions for both cabin air as well as ventilation and air conditioning, Colback now comes with additional functionalities.

In order to help meet automotive standards, or indeed the new ISO 16890 industry accepted standard, Colback is now available in colours that come without volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) or negative smell impacts while maintaining the high tear resistance and stiffness the Industry is familiar with.

On top, L&B’s new synthetic filter support medium COLBACK PLUS / AIR® helps long-term filter performance at reduced energy usage. Bico yarn layers provides increased dust holding at extreme low pressure drop levels. Dust particles are captured in a coarse nonwoven layer with airflows running through the filter at a low pressure to help reduce energy cost.

Pleated filters designed with Colback® filter media supports have a lower pressure drop, can have higher pleats, and can carry more weight than conventional synthetic support media. The bi-component spun-laid nonwoven carrier & reinforcement brings unrivalled strengths and efficiency to the manufacturing process with performance tailored to the Industry needs.

Low & Bonar

Booth #232
