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Panel 3: How Can Filtration/Separation Help Ensure Adequate Clean Water Supply in a Changing Climate?

An evaluation of:

  • Contaminant Control: PFAS, stormwater, agricultural water treatment
  • Advances in industrial process water treatment and reuse
  • Water/Energy Nexus: Minimizing the energy required to purify water through desalination, water reclamation

Wednesday, March 30
11:00 am - 12:15 pm

Mark Siebert, General Manager, Healthcare & Specialties, US & Canada, Berry Global, Inc.

What to Expect

In this panel session, we’re bringing together multiple members of the value chain to have a constructive discussion in a non-competitive way, driving the potential for options and solutions that can benefit all of us.”

– Mark Siebert

About Mark Siebert, General Manager, Healthcare & Specialties, US & Canada, Berry Global, Inc.




Hal Alper
President & Chief Science Officer, MYCELX Technologies Corporation


Hervé Buisson
Senior Process Expert, Veolia Water Technologies


Jim Lauria
Vice-President of Sales & Marketing, Mazzei Injector Company, LLC

Fred Lybrand Video

Fred Lybrand
Global Marketing Director for Process Liquids, Hollingsworth & Vose

Mr. Alper co-founded the Company with John Mansfield, Sr. in 1994. An inventor of chemistries and chemical processes, he has authored and been granted numerous patents in the areas of electrochemistry, polymer chemistry, and environmental technologies including approximately seventy for MYCELX oil removal chemistry and related applications.

A published author with over fifty scientific and technical papers to his credit, Mr. Alper is a member of numerous professional societies including NYAS (New York Academy of Sciences), AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), ASNE (American Society of Naval Engineers), SNAME (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers), NDIA (National Defense Industrial Association), AFS (American Filtration and Separation Society), ACS (American Chemical Society), and AICHE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers). 

Mr. Alper is a recipient of the 2005 Ronald Reagon Gold Medal from the National Replublican Congressional Committee ('NRCC') for technological Innovation, is on the editorial board of Filtration News Magazine, and also serves on the Technical Advisory Board of Environmental Protection Magazine.


Hervé has 25 years with Veolia in various technology, innovation management functions – global water expert with specific experience in membrane processes and biotechnology. Herve is a chemical engineer by training, receiving his degree from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs en Arts Chimiques et Technologiques.


Jim Lauria is VP of Sales & Marketing for Mazzei Injector Company, LLC, a fluid design company that manufactures mixing and contacting systems. He has been a water technology executive for over 20 years, with global experience in the agricultural, municipal, industrial, and commercial markets.

Since graduating with a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree from Manhattan College, Jim has traveled the world benchmarking and documenting the best global water management practices. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, Laurie Lauria, who fills his life with love, laughter and alliteration.


Fred Lybrand joined H&V in 2017 and as Segment Lead for Liquid Filtration focuses on the needs of customers in water treatment, industrial chemicals, food and beverage, and biopharmaceuticals. Prior to joining H&V he held executive and sales leadership roles in manufacturing and finance organizations and has spent over a decade commercializing high performance porous materials. Mr. Lybrand is a graduate of the University of Virginia (BA – Biology), the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (MBA), and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Charterholder. Mr. Lybrand served on the National Science Foundation’s Committee on Forecasting Future Disruptive Technology and contributed to the consensus study “Persistent Forecasting of Disruptive Technologies” and its sequel. 



How do we better achieve better Indoor Air Quality?

Josh Ayer, President & COO, Hollingsworth & Vose Company



What is the single-use filtration industry doing to improve its environmental footprint?

Philip Whitaker, CEO, BFC Solutions



How can Filtration/Separation ensure clean water supply?

Mark Siebert, General Manager, Healthcare & Specialties, US & Canada, Berry Global, Inc.



How did COVID-19 change the perspective on filtration?

Mike Clark, Division President, Filtration Solutions, Hollingsworth & Vose Company



Filter Standards: Friend or Foe? Help or Hindrance?

Tom Justice, President, Zene, LLC


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