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  • SEPTEMBER 30, 2021
    • Online Exhibitor Service Manual Scheduled to Be Live After this Date  
    • Advance Exhibit personnel passes; Registration begins
    • Show Directory listing submissions begins
  • NOVEMBER 1, 2021
    • Sponsorship Deadline for Recognition in Onsite Program*  
  • NOVEMBER 12, 2021
    • Show Directory Advertisement Space Reservation Deadline*  
    • Show Directory Listing Due (Link Provided in Exhibitor Portal)  
  • DECEMBER 10, 2021
    • Show Directory Advertisement Artwork Due*  
  • JANUARY 14, 2022
    • Meeting Room Reservation Deadline  
  • JANUARY 21, 2022
    • Exhibitor Early Registration Deadline
    • Exhibitor Housing Deadline   
  • FEBUARY 1, 2022
    • Meeting Rooms on Demand – Reservations Open for Exhibitors with 400 or Less Square Feet of Exhibit Space  
    • Exhibitor Housing List Deadline  
  • FEBUARY 16, 2022
    • Advance Warehouse Shipping Begins
  • MARCH 1, 2022
    • Meeting Rooms on Demand – Reservation Deadline for Exhibitors with 400 or Less Square Feet of Exhibit Space  
  • MARCH 22, 2022
    • Advance Warehouse Shipping Deadline  
  • MARCH 28, 2022
    • Exhibitor Move-In Begins  
    • Direct to Show Shipments Will Be Accepted  
  • MARCH 29, 2022
    • Exhibition Floor Hours 10:30 am – 6:00 pm  
  • MARCH 30, 2022
    • Exhibition Floor Hours 10:30 am – 6:00 pm  
  • MARCH 31, 2022
    • Exhibition Floor Hours 10:30 am – 4:00 pm  
    • Exhibitor Move-Out Begins 4:01 pm  
  • APRIL 1, 2022
    • Exhibitor Move-Out Ends 11:00 am  


Deadlines are subject to change. Please check the Exhibitor Portal for final deadline dates.

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