Preview the Forums with the Expert

Be there as industry experts take on the societal challenges we face in Filtration.

Indoor air quality, water supply, new filter standards, environmental impact, global pandemic – these topics are reshaping society, and rocking the world of Filtration. How will we, as an industry, lead the change? What needs to happen, and what steps are involved? Join us for the industry forum, as five expert panels exchanges ideas and insider observations on the topics affecting us all.

Panel 1: How Do We Achieve Better Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)?

MODERATOR: Josh Ayer, President & COO, Hollingsworth & Vose Company

  • Standards/regulations like MERV 13
  • Acceleration of IoT monitoring and "smart" technologies
  • Room air cleaning/antimicrobial treatments
  • Strategies for IAQ in nonindustrial environments

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Panel 2: What is the Single-use Filtration Industry Doing to Improve Its Environmental Footprint?

MODERATOR: Philip Whitaker, CEO, BFC Solutions

  • The impact of the environmentally conscious consumer
  • The development of more sustainable materials
  • End-of-life options for single-use filters
  • The challenges/opportunities in improving sustainability
  • Regulatory initiatives like the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive, and similar legislation under consideration

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Panel 3: How Can Filtration/Separation Help Ensure Adequate Clean Water Supply in a Changing Climate?

MODERATOR: Mark Siebert, General Manager, Healthcare & Specialties, US & Canada, Berry Global, Inc.

  • Contaminant Control: PFAS, stormwater, agricultural water treatment
  • Advances in industrial process water treatment and reuse
  • Water/Energy Nexus: Minimizing the energy required to purify water through desalination, water reclamation

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Panel 4: How Did COVID-19 Change the Perspective on Filtration? How Prepared is the Industry for the Next Pandemic?

MODERATOR: Mike Clark, Division President, Filtration Solutions, Hollingsworth & Vose Company

  • Latest research on aerosol transmission and capture
  • Future vulnerabilities: airborne, waterborne, indoor/outdoor
  • Standards & Regulations: Facemasks, HVAC filters, test methods
  • Is the US supply chain for critical filtration materials ready for the next pandemic?

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Panel 5: Filter Standards: Friend or Foe? Help or Hindrance?

MODERATOR: Tom Justice, President, Zene, LLC

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