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Panel 5: Filter Standards: Friend or Foe? Help or Hindrance?

A debate on the relevance and clarity of:

    Wednesday, March 30
    3:45 pm - 5:30 pm

    Tom Justice, President, Zene, LLC


    What to Expect

    You need to be creative in an environment of change, as we're in today. But you have to know what new technologies are over the horizon. You have to know what your customers is thinking. To do that, you've got to get out of the office, get out into a network, networking situations, such as FiltXPO.”

    - Tom Justice

    About Tom Justice, President, Zene, LLC

    Management career with 30 years in the air filtration industry heading up the Operations side of two $200M+ companies with responsibility for over 3,000 employees, $42M in overhead expense spending, $7.5M in capital outlays and $125M in raw material purchases. During 25 year tenure with what is now Clarcor Air Filtration, worked with team which grew revenues from $12M to $240M. The team logged over 300 consecutive months of profitable operation and over a ten year span, turned in performance of 10% +  EBIT.

    Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with experience in both the manufacturing and process side of the business along with direct responsibility for product development, quality assurance, safety and environmental. Cross-functional experience in operational related areas, including manufacturing, distribution, production planning, purchasing, and human resources.

    Active in ASHRAE and NAFA for over 25 years. Currently a member of ASHRAE SSPC 52.2 and TC 2.4. Co-chair of Filtration 2012.Education chair for NAFA. Member of U.L. Standards Technical Panel for Air Filter Units (STP 900). Broad base of experience in the Commercial/Industrial, Wholesale and Retail sales channels for the HVAC air filtration market.

    Directed start-up of seven manufacturing plants & one distribution center. • Relocated 4 manufacturing facilities and expanded 3 key operations. • Oversaw closure of 6 manufacturing/distribution facilities. Started up private label manufacturing of 3M filters. • Spearheaded several automation projects • Expanded ISO certification. • Managed proactive safety programs as cost reduction centers. • Established formal cost reduction programs at all locations, which consistently turned in combined savings of $2M annually, excluding freight and raw material savings.




    Bobby Singer
    Lab Manager, Blue Heaven Technologies

    Geoff Crosby Video

    Geoff Crosby
    Senior Director / General Manager High Efficiency Filtration, Alkegen


    Don Thornburg
    R&D Manager, HVAC/HPP Product Group, Camfil Americas

    Kent Williamson Video

    Kent Williamson
    Head of Product Development & Quality, Ahlstrom-Munksjö


    R. Vijayakumar, Ph.D.
    President, Aerfil, LLC

    Bobby Singer has been with Blue Heaven Technologies since 2005. He studied at the University of Louisville where he left to pursue a career in laboratory testing at AFTL under Dave Murphy. He has earned the designation as a Certified Air Filtration Specialist (CAFS) by The National Air Filtration Association (NAFA) and completed certification training in Aerosol and Particle Measurement at the University of Minnesota Particle Technology Laboratory. Bobby has developed several new test protocols and collaborative methods development with a number of large customers. He has responsibility for managing all HVAC testing and industrial product testing. He routinely attends several engineering society meetings including ASHRAE, NAFA and INDA. Bobby spends his spare time in Lagrange, KY with his wife, son and daughter.


    Geoff Crosby is the Global Director of Marketing, Filtration for Alkegen. Mr. Crosby has over 25 years' experience in global product development, sales and marketing for filtration in water and air, as well as fluid temperature control, across industries including Power Generation, Semiconductor Fabrication, Medical Devices, Building Products, and the Military Industry. He is active in both ASHRAE and ISO organizations, currently serving on ASHRAE technical committees TC 2.4, and TC 5.4, and as chairman of ASHRAE GPC35, Method for Determining the Energy Consumption Caused by Air-Cleaning and Filtration Devices. He is also working with ISO on both General Ventilation and Sustainability.


    Don has over thirty-four years of engineering experience designing HVAC systems and filtration solutions. He is recognized for his diligence and dedication in leading multiple ASHRAE and ISO standardization efforts to improve the quality of air filtration for industry users. These include holding the Chairmanship of ASHRAE 52.2, ASHRAE GPC 26, and is the Convener of the ISO TC 142 WG 3, the group which developed ISO 16890. Don is a published author of multiple papers/presentations on industry topics related to filter testing, IAQ control, life cycle costing, energy usage, and field testing data.


    Kent Williamson is Head of Product Development for Ahlstrom-Munksjö, Americas. He has over 30 years of experience in the global filtration market with extensive development and customer focus in mobile engine and industrial applications.

    Kent has spent his entire career with Ahlstrom-Munksjö in various positions in Quality, TCS and Product Development with specific focus on fibers, chemistry and processes related to a wide array of filtration media products.

    Kent has a Bachelor’s degree in Pulp and Paper Engineering from North Carolina State University and currently resides in Nashville, TN.  


    R. Vijaykumar, Ph.D., is the founder and consultant in chief of AERFIL. With clients around the world, he is a globally recognized expert for contamination control, aerosols, and filtration, an advisor to NASA with several patents, publications including an interactive iBook for the non scientists, and over 30 years’ experience in senior roles in filter, filter media, and test instrument companies. Dr. Vijaykumar has a doctorate and master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering/Particle Technology from the University of Minnesota and a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Madras, India. He can be reached at


    PANEL 1:

    How do we better achieve better Indoor Air Quality?

    Josh Ayer, President & COO, Hollingsworth & Vose Company


    PANEL 2:

    What is the single-use filtration industry doing to improve its environmental footprint?

    Philip Whitaker, CEO, BFC Solutions


    PANEL 3:

    How can Filtration/Separation ensure clean water supply?

    Mark Siebert, General Manager, Healthcare & Specialties, US & Canada, Berry Global, Inc.


    PANEL 4:

    How did COVID-19 change the perspective on filtration?

    Mike Clark, Division President, Filtration Solutions, Hollingsworth & Vose Company


    PANEL 5:

    Filter Standards: Friend or Foe? Help or Hindrance?

    Tom Justice, President, Zene, LLC


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